
Wednesday, February 22, 2017

The Truth Behind the Most Prevalent and Common SEO Digital Marketing Myths

With businesses tapping the online world where millions of potential customers can be found, digital marketing is becoming more significant. Even small businesses are starting to get on board and scrambling to build a strong online presence, hoping to meet their customers’ needs 24/7.
Digital marketing involves a range of online strategies such as pay-per-click ads and social media campaigns. With such complexity though, many businesses often forget the significance of search engine optimization (SEO). This is a huge mistake since SEO can be the key to high search engine ranking, which you need to get more potential customers to visit your website.
This doubt over SEO often comes from various myths, and knowing the truth behind these can help you see the real importance of this online tool. Read more from this blog: http://bit.ly/2nGAJ1v

Friday, February 17, 2017

Video Marketing Software Tips: How to Create the Right Video Message for Your Clients

These days, video marketing software is becoming more and more of a necessity when it comes to getting consumers committed to your product and what it has to offer them. According to Entrepreneur, video has become marketing’s most influential form of content, and if your business is not engaging in it, your business is not not going to last very long.

It is a medium that allows for a better, more real connection to your consumer than any other medium previously utilized in marketing campaigns. In addition, it is a more personable way to connect with an audience that lives in a world where they are taught to be skeptical when someone is trying to sell them something.

Read more on this article: http://bit.ly/2oAEmTP

Thursday, February 9, 2017

How SEO Digital Marketing Works and How It Can Improve Your Business

Trying to explain search engine optimization to a person for a first time can be quite the headache. But if there is one thing that you should know, it is this: The mission of the search engines is to come with best possible result for the person typing the “question” or “keyword” in their search bar. If your company has a website, then ideally, you want to be in the top search results for keywords that are relevant to your business. In short, you want to establish your website as the correct answer to that question. Today, SEO is one of the key online marketing strategies that people use to drive targeted traffic to their site, which in turn results in more sales for their business.

How Does SEO Work?

Search engines grade your site using certain criteria (e.g., mobile, speed, keyword relevancy) to assess its level of quality. When you apply SEO principles to your website then you are increasing your visibility on a search engine’s “organic” or “natural” results. Natural results are when your website appears in the search results for certain keywords, and organic results are when other websites who mention your site and link back to it come up in the results which really boosts your rankings.

Read more on this article: http://bit.ly/2nO2Eg2

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Companies That Offer Video Marketing Services Talk About the Advantages of LiveStreaming

Video-sharing websites like YouTube, Vimeo, Meerkat, and Periscope have changed the game when it comes to getting your business out there. Other platforms like Facebook have taken notice and have created Facebook Live, so people and brands can instantly connect with consumers and friends alike. In fact, these video platforms have enabled a better connection between companies and their consumers that was previously impossible. Creating videos for consumers is no longer a game for vloggers (video bloggers), but an edge that several companies are taking on as their own.

The Relationship Between Video and Sales

According to Dream Grow, having a video on your website increases sales of the product advertised in that video by 74%. While infographics are great, they are not as engaging as videos with actual people explaining those infographics in an insightful, relatable way. One good tip is to find out how to incorporate videos into your marketing campaigns in a way that helps consumers recognize how exactly your product works and how it specifically works in terms of their everyday lives.

Read more on this article: http://bit.ly/2nO2DZw