
Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Facebook as a Video Marketing Platform: Some Nifty Tips and Tricks

If pictures paint a thousand words, then videos surely communicate much more. Is it any wonder why an ever-increasing number of marketers are turning to video marketing to showcase their products and services?

Video sites such as YouTube might be the first thing you’ll have in mind when video marketing is mentioned. In recent years, however, even social media sites such as Facebook have become a viable video marketing platform. To succeed on this channel, take note of a few savvy tips.

Upload directly to Facebook

When it comes to video platforms, YouTube is often the first channel that comes to mind. However, don’t be too quick to upload your marketing videos on YouTube first, then simply share the link on Facebook. Read more from this blog. http://bit.ly/2ugndoa

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Why Video Marketing Software is Just the Beginning: Crafting Your Video Strategy

With people having shorter attention spans, getting noticed is getting harder than ever. But with video marketing, you can create interesting content that gets the point across much faster than text or pictures can.

Before you start experimenting with this channel, however, there are a few things you need to ensure to guarantee success.

Have storytelling chops

Effective videos don’t always require Hollywood-level production values; sometimes, it’s the simplest ones that go viral. The key here is to focus on one key message, then convey it in the most compelling manner possible. In short, develop a sense of drama when crafting your videos so that your output is entertaining, attention-grabbing, and persuasive—the kind of content that people simply have to share to friends. Read more from this blog. http://bit.ly/2ugTlrH

Saturday, June 17, 2017

How Can Small Businesses Take Advantage of Video Marketing Services?

In a world gone digital, getting a person’s attention is every business’ goal and challenge—especially for small- and medium-sized companies. With so many platforms and channels to choose from, how does a business differentiate itself from the milieu?

One way to stand out is to invest in video marketing. Before you render videos as the stuff left only to huge companies with huge marketing budgets, examine the different ways your local business can use video marketing.

A Chance to Showcase Personality

For customers, many businesses are faceless, corporate entities—just a place to buy things from. But small businesses, by virtue of the fact that they are run by owners themselves, emit a much more personal feel about them, a sense that they truly know and care about the people who walk into the store. Read more from this blog. http://bit.ly/2vIafOG

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

3 Tips from A Local SEO Marketing Company to Boost Your Local Business's Google Rankings

There’s a whole lot more to online marketing in today’s world than there was even just a few years back, and if you’re following outdated methods to rank your local business website, you’ll surely fail. The rapid pace of changes that are occurring, daily, within Google’s search algorithm can make it quite a challenge to keep on top of any SEO campaign.

This is especially true as it relates to local SEO, because Google takes different factors into account when ranking local business websites. Some of these factors include geographical location signals that your website’s copy contains, how many reviews your business has online, and the amount of backlinks your website has pointing to it. Read more from this blog. http://bit.ly/2ugCK78

Sunday, June 11, 2017

Two Offsite Local SEO Marketing Essentials that Can Drive Traffic to Your Local Business’s Website

When it comes to local seo marketing, plenty of articles focus on onsite actions you can take to boost your local business’s website. While those are important, you want to make sure that you are doing everything you can to increase your chances of ranking high in search engines like Google. In order to really compete online, you will need to pay attention to offsite factors that can have a very big effect on the number of people that will find your site when searching for the kinds of products or services you offer.

Here are two specific offsite actions you will want to take that can help drive traffic to your local business’s website.

You Must Be On Social Media

Yes, being found and available to connect with on social media can take some time, but it is crucial to the success of your business. Read more from this blog. http://bit.ly/2vHMzK6

Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Are You Thinking About Improving Your SEO Digital Marketing? Check Out These Tips

When it comes to online marketing today, perhaps nothing is more effective than search engine optimization or SEO. For starters, search is still said to be 300 percent more effective in driving traffic to websites than social media. This is probably because users almost always turn to search engines when they’re interested in a product, service or brand.

In fact, a recent study found that 93 percent of all online experiences actually begin with a search engine. This indicates that users want to explore all their options. That is, they want to see all the brands that are relevant to the product they want and choose the one they’re interested in based on the search.

This is the reason why your brand must take search rankings seriously. After all, nearly 75 percent of search engine users never even get past the first page of the search results. Read more from this blog. http://bit.ly/2ugj9UJ

Monday, June 5, 2017

Here's Why SMBs Need A Video Marketing Platform To Grow Their Online Presence

If you're a small and medium-sized business (SMB) and not using any video marketing platform to promote your business or push your product, then you're missing out on the best thing that could ever happen to your business.

According to a recent study, videos now account for 64% of all internet traffic, and is projected to reach up to a whopping 80% in just a few years.

It's even more mind-blowing when set against estimates that smartphone users worldwide are going to reach 6.1 billion in the same year, 50% of which admit to picking up their phone as soon as they wake up.

Now, take that number and that’s the audience you’re not reaching if you’re not using video in your online marketing campaigns. Read more from this blog: http://bit.ly/2sbLDi5

Thursday, June 1, 2017

Ready for 2017? Top SEO Trends from a Local SEO Marketing Company

Search engine optimization, or SEO, has long waved its keyword-stuffing days goodbye. With Google’s constant algorithm updates and greater focus on content quality, you need to keep yourself abreast of all the changes if you desire high rankings in search results. If it’s been awhile since you’ve looked at your SEO strategy, here are some search trends in 2017 worthy of your consideration.

Expect to see more accelerated mobile pages

If you’ve been browsing Google lately, you’ve probably noticed some articles with a bolt icon. This means that the page uses accelerated mobile pages (AMP), which is basically Google’s answer to Facebook’s instant articles. In a nutshell, AMP allows your article to load up to four times faster while consuming about eight times less data than normal pages. As a Google product, you can bet that the search engine giant is throwing its full weight behind AMP. Indeed, it has already begun favoring sites that use this platform by giving them extra visibility on search engine results. Read more from this article: http://bit.ly/2qSNEMz